Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lenten Reflections

The following was lifted from Our Daily Bread:

   "One night a clergyman was walking to church when a thief pulled a gun on him and demanded his money or his life. When he reached in his pocket to hand over his wallet, the robber saw his clerical collar and said: I see you are a priest. Never mind, you can go. The clergyman, surprised by the robber's unexpected act of piety, offered him a candy bar. The robber said, No thank you, I don't eat candy during Lent."

   When I first left the Catholic church after 21 years, I found out that Baptists do not observe Lent. No stations of the cross, no Ash Wednesday, no holy Thursday service, no Good Friday service, and no giving something up. I realized at that time, not being one to throw out the baby with the bathwater, that in one form or another I would find a church that observed Lent and also return in some ways to the Catholic church. I found a Lutheran church that observed Lent and even had Ash Wednesday services. Also their regular services were liturgical, which I had missed.
   I have made my peace with the Catholic church.  But I do view myself as a born again Christian and not a Catholic any more.
   There are 5 tenets of the Protestant faith that resonate with me. Catholics are aware of Sola Scriptura but tend not to be aware of the other four tenets.

   Solus Christus         Christ Alone
   Sola Scriptura         Scripture Alone
   Sola Fide                  Faith Alone
   Sola Gratia              Grace Alone
   Soli Deo Gloria        Glory to God Alone

I also abide by the 4 beliefs of Evangelicals
   1. Salvation by faith in the atoning death of Jesus
   2. Personal conversion
   3. Authority of Scripture
   4. Sharing faith with non-Christians

Growing up Protestant, and then being Catholic for 21 years, and now returning to a Protestant religion, I consider myself to be a Catholic-Protestant hybrid. I do not believe that God favors one denomination over the other.

   So this Lent I feel called to give up the internet. I have never liked Facebook. But it is encouraging to read that 61% of current Facebook users have decided to take a break from Facebook. Reasons cited include, too time consuming, lack of privacy, and too much drama. Facebook was cited as a cause of 1/3 of all divorces in the UK. Internet addiction, at home and abroad, is rampant. I have found myself caught up in end time predictions, found on the internet, only later to realize that most prophecies were not of God. After having been duped in the past by the New Age, A Course in Miracles, and Marian Apparitions, and recently by Brother Marchus, Susan Davis, Rick Wiles, a possible Olympic bombing, and end of the year destruction, it is time for me to return to traditional forms of worship, and leave the prognosticators behind. Yes I do believe the Lord is coming soon, but we do not know the day nor the hour. The only way to prepare is spiritually. And maybe stock up on a few supplies to cover all the bases.
   May this Lent find us all focusing on a renewal of our faith, a return to church, the Holy Bible, prayer, fasting and almsgiving. And may we turn away from the ways of the world and turn our hearts to the Lord. It isn't easy. Often I feel like the proverbial salmon swimming upstream against our current culture of death, darkness, and destruction.

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  Matthew 7:13  

Friday, February 8, 2013

Surviving Tribulation

Appreciate what you have. It can be gone in an instant.

Pray without ceasing.

Read the Bible.

Spend much less time on the computer and watching tv.

Take one day at a time.

Know that suffering in this world is temporary, while suffering in hell is eternal.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Trust God alone.

Remember, God wins in the end.

Pastor's Prophecies

Disclaimer: As with any prophecy use discernment. The only prophecies that are certain are those found in Scripture.

From the late Pastor David Wilkerson:

   "An earth shattering calamity is about to happen. (written in 2009). It is going to be so frightening we are all going to tremble, even the godliest among us. There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide."

From Pastor Conlon of Times Square Church:

   "And now I sense a stirring in my heart again. In like measure, I feel that some very, very, difficult days are just ahead of us. And just as the Lord prepared a church in the middle of Times Square before the events of 9-11 hit NY, I believe we are living in an hour when God, in His mercy, is preparing His church at large. Times of immense hardship, will hit this church age. And whether it will be experienced collectively, or individually, we are all destined to go through the fire. Everything that can be shaken, will be shaken, and only what was born and sustained by truth will remain. You and I must be prepared again. Now our job is not to be concerned with the times or the hour, in which it will occur, but rather with the preparation of the heart."

   There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people, everyone whose name is found written in the book, will be delivered.   Daniel 12:1 


Prayer for the Unborn

We pray to Jesus
That unborn children may have the gift of life
   Suffering Christ hear us.
That laws be passed to protect
The right to life of the unborn
   Suffering Christ hear us.
That our nation return to reverence
And respect for all life
   Suffering Christ hear us.
That God answer the prayers of those women
Who seek the gift of motherhood
   Suffering Christ hear us.
That mothers who are unable to keep their babies
Choose the gift of adoption
And give others the chance to share
The gift of love
   Suffering Christ hear us.

Prayer in Times of Tragedy

   Lord, as our world reels because of tragedy, I ask you in your great goodness, to hasten the healing. Death and desolation have robbed us all of our joy and innocence. Suffering has touched everyone, especially the children. Enter into every broken heart. loving Father. Bring mercy, compassion, and wholeness. Rising out of the destruction, and senseless loss, let your people find a new strength and determination to carry on.

We remember the Sandy Hook 26

The children:

Charlotte Bacon
Daniel Barden
Olivia Engel
Josephine Gay
Ana Marquez-Greene
Dylan Hockley
Madeleine Hsu
Catherine Hubbard
Chase Kowalski
Jesse Lewis
James Mattioli
Grace McDonnell
Emilie Parker
Jack Pinto
Noah Pozner
Caroline Previoli
Jessica Rekos
Avielle Richman
Benjamin Wheeler
Allison Wyatt

The Adults:

Rachel Davino
Dawn Hochsprung
Anne Marie Murphy
Lauren Rousseau
Mary Sherlach
Victoria Soto

Nancy Lanza

May there be healing and comfort for the broken hearts of the parents and families. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Prayer of Reparation

Jesus, have mercy on me
Oh God, forgive me for all the sins of my life
The sins of my youth, and the sins of my age
The sins of my body, and the sins of my soul
The sins I have confessed, and the sins I have forgotten
The sins against others in thought, word, and deed.
My sins of omission.
Oh my God, I am sorry for all my sins,
because you are so good, and I will not sin again,
with the help of God.
God be merciful to me a sinner
Jesus. convert sinners, save the dying, deliver all souls.

Holy Spirit Prayer

   Holy Spirit, we ask for an outpouring of your graces, blessings, and gifts, upon those who do not believe, that they may believe. Upon those who are doubtful or confused, that they may understand. Upon those who are lukewarm or indifferent, that they may be transformed. Upon those who are constantly living in a state of sin, that they may be converted. Upon those who are weak, that they may be strengthened. Upon those who are holy, that they may persevere.

Purity Prayer

   O, Jesus, most pure Savior of mankind, in fulfillment of my baptismal promises, I pledge to live the virtue of chastity according to my state of life. Grant me the grace to keep me pure in all my thoughts, words, and actions. Give me the strength to avoid the persons, places, and things, which would cause temptation to me. May I always respect my body as a temple of God, and have a holy fear of falling from your grace.

Marriage Prayers

   Lord Jesus. grant that my spouse and I may have a true and understanding love for each other. Grant that we may both be filled with faith and trust. Give us the grace to live with each other in peace and harmony. May we always bear with one another's weaknesses and grow from each other's strengths. Help us to forgive one another's failings, and grant us patience, kindness, cheerfulness, and the spirit of placing the well-being of one another ahead of one's self.  May the love that brought us together mature with each passing year. Bring us both ever closer to you through our love for each other. Let our love grow to perfection. Amen

   Gracious Lord, you have blessed me with my dear husband. I thank you and ask you to keep him in your constant care. Help him in his trials, comfort him in his worries. Grant me the grace to be a loving partner, to share his sorrows and joys. Keep me faithful to him with love and respect. And dear Lord, grant that our life together on earth will lead us to heaven, there to enjoy your holy company forever. Amen.